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Noise Filtering

About Noise Filtering

Noise filtering is an essential aspect of voice communications applications. It involves the removal of unwanted sounds or noise from the audio signal, which can interfere with the clarity and quality of the voice communication. Noise can come from various sources, such as background sounds, electronic interference, or even the speaker's own voice. Noise filtering algorithms use various techniques to identify and remove these unwanted sounds, such as spectral subtraction, adaptive filtering, and wavelet analysis. The goal of noise filtering is to improve the intelligibility and quality of the voice communication, making it easier for the listener to understand the speaker's message.

Switchboard Editor example

This example plays an audio file that contains speech with noise in the background and removes the noise using the RNNoise NoiseFilterNode.

Code Example

"nodes": {
{ "id": "audioPlayerNode", "type": "AudioPlayerNode" },
{ "id": "channelSplitterNode", "type": "ChannelSplitterNode" },
{ "id": "noiseFilterNode", "type": "RNNoise.NoiseFilterNode" },
{ "id": "monoToMultiChannelNode", "type": "MonoToMultiChannelNode" }
"connections": {
{ "sourceNode": "audioPlayerNode", "destinationNode": "channelSplitterNode" },
{ "sourceNode": "channelSplitterNode", "destinationNode": "noiseFilterNode" },
{ "sourceNode": "noiseFilterNode", "destinationNode": "monoToMultiChannelNode" },
{ "sourceNode": "monoToMultiChannelNode", "destinationNode": "outputNode" }
"tracks": {
"audioPlayerNode": "Noisy-Speech.wav"