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About Chorus

A chorus effect is an audio processing technique that creates the illusion of multiple voices or instruments playing simultaneously. It adds depth and richness to the sound by duplicating the original signal and slightly altering its pitch, timing, and amplitude. The most common parameters of a chorus effect include the rate, depth, and feedback. The rate determines the speed at which the duplicated signals fluctuate, while the depth controls the intensity of the modulation. Feedback adjusts the amount of the processed signal that is fed back into the effect, creating a more pronounced and sustained chorus effect. Additionally, some chorus effects offer parameters like delay time, mix level, and stereo width, allowing further customization and control over the resulting sound.

Switchboard Editor example

Code Example

"nodes": {
{ "id": "chorusNode", "type": "AudioEffects.ChorusNode" }
"connections": {
{ "sourceNode": "inputNode", "destinationNode": "chorusNode" },
{ "sourceNode": "chorusNode", "destinationNode": "outputNode" }